Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Colombia: Wax, Wane [El Palacio de Cultura Rafael Uribe Uribe, December 2013]

Works from my very recent 2 month residency at Campos de Gutíerrez in Medellín, Colombia:
(Opening night and fellow exhibition artists included in previous post.)

The Venue for Crecer, Menguar (Wax, Wane): El Palacio de Cultura Rafael Uribe Uribe

Rejas 2013 
(instalacíon en balcones del patio interno de Palacio de Cultura)
cordón de color, madera  (coloured cord, wood)
3.6 x 1.7m cada

In Colombia security grills, or rejas in Spanish, adorn every window that could possibly be climbed into. Most live their lives behind them.


El Ganges de Medellín   2013  (Medellin Ganges ..)
(instalación en el techo)
7 sábanas de aldodón lavadas en el Río Medellín ( 7 cotton sheets washed in the Medellin River)
2.5 x 1.2m cada

The Medellin River runs through the centre of the city and is heavily polluted. Corruption thwarts efforts to enforce regulation. My assistant and I lost a layer of skin from our hands while washing them.

Instalacíon colaborativa de Aurora Pineda & Laura Marsh:
Urna funeraria para Aurora 2008 & Fe 2013 (Funeral urn for Aurora .. & Faith ..)
terracotta con 5 años de secado al aire & terracotta

The church space serendipitously awaited our works to be placed within it..

Friday, 3 January 2014

Colombia: Wax, Wane (Opening Night)

Photographs by Estefania Lopez

Aurora Pineda & Juan Ricardo Urrego of Colombia. 
Performing a part of their eloquent performance - Statu Quo, el estado de la casa

German Alzur, Colombia

Chris Woolston, New York

The night also included a performance by German Accíon contra natura performing the impossible task of maintaining time - as the 'time' moved faster than he could replace it.

Our artist talk was well attended, and translated by Andrés Monzón, curator of the exhibition and director of the Campos des Gutiérrez artist residency.