Thursday, 24 October 2013

YOURS in Tauranga

As the frontispiece to the Tauranga Arts Festival, YOURS invites the public to participate in the active nature of sharing or giving. People can leave something they would like someone else to have on the hooks that adorn the letter Y, and then people may take what they like. Until Sunday 3rd November.
Also! listen in to The Arts on Sunday with Lynn Freeman on National Radio this week.. and hear what I have to say.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

My Masters Exegesis: The Trouble With Being A Proud Pakeha

Thought I might put my Masters dissertation from 2010 back out there for the keen readers, a mere 7000 words, but with lots of pictures. Click here for The Trouble With Being A Proud Pakeha by Laura Marsh.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Abstract Merit Prize


Joyfully I have received the Abstract Merit Prize from The Waitakere Trusts Art & Sculpture Exhibition held at Corbans Estate Art Centre 4-12 October 2013. The prize was awarded by Linda Tyler for a watercolour entitled Nine. She wrote these kind words about it:

Showing full control of the difficult medium of watercolour 
in the overlay of colours this artist is able to create a delicate 
pattern purely in pastels. Mathematically complex, yet simple 
and evocative of crystals, origami and organic structures 
abundant in nature.

Other finalists can be seen here.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013