Saturday, 20 August 2011

NOW @ Second Storey: August 2011

My first solo show, NOW, was held at Second Storey: an artist-run space on Karangahape Road, Auckland, NZ.

A Flag That Has Now Written On It flies atop the building next door to Second Storey.
A CCTV security camera watches from across the road and wirelessly transmits the video signal back across to a receiver in the window of Second Storey.

The receiver passes the video signal through to the back room via a long cable.

In the back room the projector shows a static-harassed image of a pole that holds aloft the intermittently billowing flag.

In the front room Monument hangs, the tails of the vertical flags going with the lie of the floor.

(A Flag With Now Written On It atop the La Gonda Building on K Rd.)