Exhibition introduction
A Thinner Line is an
installation of artworks which collectively consider the line between life and
death. Marsh’s latest exhibition features reinterpretations of new works
developed during her time at Campos des Guttiérez, an international artist’s
residency in Medellin, Colombia
the greater part of Marsh’s practice she tends to use the ‘materials of
colonisation’ such as wood, wool, watercolour, textiles and creates installations
with found or adapted objects. This exhibition features materials from Medellin
such as terracotta and shoelace cord from the textile district.
to Medellin, Colombia for her first international residency Marsh indeed got to
experience a ‘thinner line between life and death’. Marsh intended this to be a
learning experience of crafting, as well as challenging herself to practice
outside the context of New Zealand. She was interested in learning more about
her position in the global cultural landscape as both a New Zealander, and as a
descendant of the colonial movement.